

Credits. It always comes down to credits. Life is expensive in the galaxy and having a credit chip in your pocket can certainly open some doors for you. It's more than just buying items from the vendors, life in the galaxy can be costly and everything from the docking fee at the spaceport to the astrogation data is going to cost you something. I found a list of common services such as starship fees, medical services, food, lodging, and even vehicle rentals which you will see on your journey. For the sake of conformity, these will be the standard but it won't be uncommon for an enterprising toydarian to try and skim a few credits off the top, especially if he's the only show in town.

Astrogation Data: 100cr - 500 cr (depending on region and data rarity)
Spynet Info: 500cr - 10,000 (depending on the value of the data)

Luxurious - 150cr
Upscale - 50cr
Average - 10cr
Budget - 2cr

Luxurious - 200cr
Upscale - 100cr
Average - 50cr
Budget - 20cr

Medical Care
Bacta Tank Treatment - 20cr per 2 hour block of time
Long-term care (per day) - 100cr
Surgery - 300cr - 1,000cr (depending on complexity)

Starship Fees & Maintenance
Docking Fees (per day docked) - 20 up to Silhouette 5
Refuel & Resupply - [silhouette x100] up to Silhouette 5

Passage, luxurious (per person, 5 days of travel) - 5,000cr
Passage, upscale (per person, 5 days of travel) - 2,000cr
Passage, average (per person, 5 days of travel) - 5,00cr
Passage, budget (per person, 5 days of travel) - 200cr
Taxi, local (up to 5 passengers) - 10cr

Vehicle Rentals (per day)
Speeder Bike - 20cr
Landspeeder, average - 50,cr
Landspeeder, luxury - 100cr
Airspeeder - 500cr
Shuttle, interplanetary - 1,000cr
Shuttle, interstellar - 2,000cr

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