
Bonds are optional, not required. They should normally be established early on in the campaign but can be added in with minimal fuss to an already established crew. Initial bonds should be formed with an NPC, someone in your past that you would like included in the story to help your character's story develop.

Bonds should be used to help develop and enrich the roleplaying atmosphere in the game in a meaningful and interesting way. This activity will be rewarded with a minor boon that will make sense such as an added boost die, a couple experience points, and so on.

Some bond statements are listed below but feel free to forge whatever you want. These are divided up by species but feel free to alter them or use another species as you see fit. You should select a single sentence for a single bond and have no more than three NPC bonds in total.

Eventually, when you feel you have developed a strong enough bond with a PC, the two players should work out a joint bond statement between their characters.

_______________ is one of the few organics who treats droids as equals, and for that I respect them.
I worry about the ability of _______________ to survive in the galaxy.
I have sworn to protect and look out for _______________.
_______________ has been beside you since the beginning.

____________________ is the only link I have to my father.
_______________ is strong in the Force, I feel much potential in them.
I knew _______________ before they dropped out of the Academy.
_______________ knows incriminating details about me.
_______________ saved my life and I saved theirs; there is growing respect between us.

I owe an unbreakable life-debt to ____________________.
____________________ rescued me from slavery.
_______________ is always getting into trouble. I must protect them from themselves.
_______________ lost their nerve and left it to you to do the dirty work.

____________________ smells more like prey than a hunter.
_______________ does not trust me, and for good reason.
_______________ is a liability and needs to be watched.
_______________ is soft, but I will make them hard like me.

_______________’s ways are strange and confusing.
I have guided _______________ before and they owe me for it.
_______________ will play an important role in the events to come. I have foreseen it.
_______________ does not understand life in the outer rim, so I will teach them.

_______________ is puny and foolish, but amusing to me.
_______________ respects the glory of the hunt; we shall claim great amounts of Jagganath together!
_______________ has stood up to you and didn’t break; such boldness is uncommon.
_______________ fought shoulder-to-shoulder with you in the thick of things.

_______________ trusted me with a secret.
_______________ once ratted you to the authorities to save themselves.
_______________ and I have a con running.
I stole something from _______________.

You’ve spend way too much time with _______________ on a long term trip.
_______________ risked their life to get me out of an ambush.
_______________ is keeping an important secret from me.
_______________ is woefully misinformed about the galaxy; I will teach them all that I can.

_______________ is a brave soul, I have much to learn from them.
I hope someday that _______________ will put down their weapons and try peace.
_______________ put a hand in when it mattered, and helped save a life.
_______________ owes me their life, whether they admit it or not.

_______________ is a good and faithful person; I trust them implicitly.
_______________ is in constant danger, I will keep them safe.
_______________ has stood by me in battle and can be trusted completely.
I have foreseen a great danger that follows ______________.

You got _______________ out of some serious danger once, and you’ll never let them forget it.
I heard rumors about _______________ long before I ever met them in person.
_______________ always places their faith in you to do what is best.
This is not my first adventure with _______________.

I often tease _______________, but I care for them more than they really know.
_______________ think they are your friend and you find that quite convenient.
_______________ gives in quickly to anger; I do not trust them.
You have a copy of _______________ ‘s secret file, but are afraid to look at it.

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